Recent Activity
25 Aug 2024The Stralia Web Server environment is experiencing intermittent connectivity issues. We are working with the data centre to rectify the problem. Coonectivity was restored Friday 6th September. We continue to monitor the issue.
11 Nov 20232:45pm The webserver had network connection issues caused by a disconnection from one of the Database servers. Some websites were returning ERROR 500. Data Centre staff have fully restored services at 4:27pm.
31 May 2023Email server restart required to implement firewall changes.
25 May 2023Email server reconfiguration completed today.
24 May 2023Email services receiving significant SPAM traffic, halting services throughout the last 24 hours starting 23 May 5am. Reconfiguration of ANTI-SPAM service underway.
06 Mar 2023An Email service restart was required between 8am and 9:25am this morning. Some email clients using outlook email clients connecting when the server was offline may need to restart/refresh their email programs to recconnect.
07 Jan 2023An Email server update was carried out, some email accounts may require a password reset. Please contact support if this affects you when logging onto email 02 4751 7298.
Past Activity
Oct 27A network maintenance process failed and a failover solution was partially implemented. Some databases services were not functioning, resulting in some websites going offline for several hours until the datacentre staff restored the failover connections.
Aug 8An Network issue affecting the datacentre caused access to all services to fail at 9am. Network restored at 11:15am.
Aug 6/7An intermittent Network issue affecting the datacentre is causing website connection to drop out for customer sites. Issues continued until 2pm on Sunday.
Aug 5Email Services stable from Thursday 4th, after midday. Throughout March-July, email services operating under degraded performance with service stoppages at peak times on weekly, increasing to daily cycles in late July. Several changes implemented, server software update and database maintenance completed.
Apr 08Email services are pausing for brief time periods. Services slow or became unresponsive due to DOS attack. Friday between 11:30am and 12:50pm, Saturday midday, Sunday 9am, Tuesday 11-12pm and Wednesday 11:50am -12:05pm. Technicians have identified the issue and are implementing solution.
Aug 04A Network issue at the data centre caused an outage 8:11pm-9:27pm affecting only some web services.
Jul 10A Network issue at the data centre caused an outage 8:11pm-9:27pm affecting only some web services.
Mar 17All Stralia web services, email and web have been offline due to Network connection issues at the datacentre. Services have been restored at 11pm. Up to date information at :
Jul 10A storage system was down from 9:12am affecting some websites.
Service restored 1:15am.
Sep 14/15Network performance issues restricted access to internet for Stralia Web services over 14/15 Sept.
Email services were mainly impacted during this period
Sep 11/12A Network performance issue at the data centre on Friday evening/Saturday morning restricted access to internet for Stralia Web services from 1:00am to 6am.
On Friday evening network performance degraded slowing some traffic to email and Web services. At approximately 1:30am all internet services became unreachable. The affected network hardware was restarted at 5:30am, all services were back online at 5:48am.
Aug 30CMS Hosting Outage - At 2:05 one of the website maintenance tasks failed and a server became unresponsive. This did not affect all websites and full function has been restored to those websites affected at 1:30pm. The underlying issue of why the server stopped responding has been identified and the issue has been resolved and should not repeat.
Jun 28CMS Hosting Outage - Intermittent connectivity issues from 9am-10am followed by server down. Service restored at 4:45pm.
Jun 25Email Server Outage - storage issue at the data centre affecting our email server. The issue was rectified 9:40am.
Jun 11-12Email Server Outage - storage issue at the data centre affecting our email server. An overnight process failed in a way that drastically reduced the performance of the server. The email server storage has been recovered successfully. A new storage system has been connected to the main email server and the system has now been copied across to the new storage space successfully.
May 28CMS Service Interruption 12:40am - 8:45am due to network issues.
May 17-21Email server intermittent outages. A problem has been identified in the hypervisor and the email server was completely unresponsive from approx 11am 20 May and had to be taken offline to address the issue. Service was restored at 8:30am 21 May after an 21 hour outage.
May 15Email server outage 2am-9am. Service has been restored. Technicians are investigating cause. We are monitoring the issue.
Dec 9Datacentre network issues affected some websites.
Reported 7:55am. Engineers have restored connectivity. All systems should now be working. Updated 11:15am
Oct 26-31Web service having intermittent connection issues resulting in some webpages failing to load all elements.
Oct 10Our hosting services experienced an issue causing websites to become unavailable for a short period. The service has been rebooted and is now fully functioning. Outages 9:55am - 10:35am.
Sep 11Our hosting services experienced an issue causing websites to become unavailable for a short period. The service has been rebooted and is now fully functioning. Outages started 7:15pm until 7:40pm.
Jul 3Our hosting services experienced intermittent issues causing websites to become unavailable for short periods of time. The service has been rebooted and is now fully functioning. Technicians are investigating. Outages started 2:56pm until 4:50pm.
Jan 16Network issues are affecting the serving of websites. Technicians are investigating. Outage started 1:50pm.
Update 3:47pm: Service restored.
A DDos Reflection Attack has been identified as the cause of the network interruption, and the network has been restored. We are monitoring the issue.